Japanese Handmade 6 layer of gauze mini-handkerchief/ 3 pieces in 1unit
゜.+° Material ゜+.゜
the front side: cotton 100% double gauze
the back side: cotton 100% double gauze
1 sheet of double gauze between the front and the back sides
゜.+° Size ゜+.゜
vertical approximately 20cm
horizontal approximately 10cm
゜.+° Comment ゜+.゜
This handkerchief is made of 6-layer-gauze.
・excellent absorption for water
・fast drying after washing
・soft touch
This handkerchief is suitable not only for your own babies, children and for yourself,
but also for petit-gift for your friends.
Japan / Handmade
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- 被欣賞 711 次
- 已賣出 1 件商品
- 共 1 人收藏
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- 原創商品
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- 信用卡安全加密付款
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