Olife原生活 天然手工竹牙刷【適中軟度白馬毛 漸層深藍】

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Olife原生活 天然手工竹牙刷【適中軟度白馬毛 漸層深藍】 - 其他 - 竹


https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59f9f6c24db86.jpg **【品牌信念】【Brand Belief】** Olife原生活品牌洪先生是一位手工眼鏡職人,有著對於手工喜愛的熱血,嘗試各種可能性,希望將竹子結合日常用品,以每天不可或缺的日用品牙刷作為友善環境的第一步,堅持著不讓機器取代人類,不讓塑膠取代大自然的素材,為大地敬一份心力的精神,創造出不發霉、不怕水顛覆傳統的竹牙刷。 更使用了天然白馬毛,可於環境中自然分解,期盼環保不只是一個口號,而是從日常生活中實踐,希望透過一支竹牙刷鼓勵人們一點一滴更友善環境,讓生活步調再次回到,原來單純生活環境,讓塑膠不再過度使用、讓心情能得到暫時的放鬆, 感受著回去50年代,那時的緩慢步調。 Let’s go back to a simple environment, which is not dominated by plastic Let’s try to relax, and imagine how unhurried and leisurely life used to be in the 50’s Let’s integrate bamboo in our daily essentials. A toothbrush with natural bristles made from white horse hair can easily decompose in the environment. Environmental protection should be more than just a slogan. It is essential to contribute with small gestures in our daily lives. Even a bamboo toothbrush can do its part in protecting the environment. https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fabe0879144.jpg https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fabe844ae26.jpg **【友善的日常 晴天良品】** Small Gestures can Save the Earth 台中 勤美綠園道 / 金典綠園道 https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fabef9874c1.jpg **【環保天然 時尚紀念品】** 【無塑地球、微笑擴散】 【Less Plastic, More Smiles】 一支牙刷 換大地 一個微笑 Paint a smile with your toothbrush! 世界民宿 飯店商旅 自發性投入 減塑 環保行動越來越多人參與,每當旅客千里來到休憩之處,總是希望能有更不一樣的自然體驗,除了旅途中的風景,當然住宿是最重要的選擇。 讓旅客使用天然環保竹牙刷,加強旅客對我們住宿環境與環境共生的印象,還能讓旅客願意帶著走,達到減塑與住宿宣傳,或許我們可以考慮現在開始改變了。 https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fabfe3c2735.jpg https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fac081a71c5.jpg **【創造綠色環境】** Creating a Green Environment 過去十年所製造的塑膠,已超過之前一世紀所製造的數量!我們的海洋充滿各種塑膠垃圾,塑膠對於海洋生物已成巨大威脅海洋生物因此受困,甚至吞下、卡在腸道造成堵塞。生活中充斥著塑膠產品,多到讓我們甚至無法意識到它的存在 是時候改變了讓我們一起改變拋棄式塑膠文化,為無塑未來盡一份力。 Life is full of plastic products, to the point that we are not even aware of their existence. It's time to change the disposable plastic culture we live in, and do our part for a plastic-free future. https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fac10c09235.png 100% 環境自然分解 100%Decomposition of the natural environment https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/5a0c15726d207.jpg 【牙刷開花了 也笑了】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKWd2WzWva4&t=14s&list=PLX6Kf3KMoMa_J58pJLqt0Wkj0fpHBBmZM&index=2 **【Olife天然竹牙刷 特別處】** Special Characteristics 刷毛 Bristles【明顯潔齒感】 手工交叉長短 白馬毛,柔軟白馬鬃毛Olife克服了天然馬毛,猪鬃毛的生硬觸感,經過不斷嘗試各種手工植毛方法,研發出1012編號 手工交叉長短白馬毛,軟硬度適中,長毛短毛落差2mm。 長的可以剃除牙縫,短的可以潔淨齒垢,刷毛太長會太軟,太短會太硬,習慣刷毛軟硬度剛剛好的朋友最適合,刷毛三天吻合期,正常刷牙力道三天使就愛愛上真正刷乾淨的感覺。 Hand-made from white horse mane hair. Olife uses natural hair to create its toothbrushes. Hog bristles go through a flocking process to create the hand-made natural hair toothbrush, whose serial number is 1012. It is the perfect toothbrush, with bristles that are not too rigid and not too soft. The long bristles can be used to pick your teeth and the short ones to clean your tartar. If the bristles are too long, usually they end up being too soft, on the contrary if they are too short, they tend to be too rigid. This is the perfect toothbrush for all those who don’t like it too rigid or too soft. You will fall in love with this toothbrush and after three days you will realize you can’t do without that sensation of cleanliness it provides you with. https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fac17e5a428.jpg 【柔軟白馬鬃毛】 是專程為小朋友而開發設計,柔軟度適合正在長牙階段的兒童,當然也有一些女孩因為牙齒嘴巴小,也是適合使用的喔。 Designed with soft bristles specifically for children who are growing their teeth These toothbrushes are also good for girls who happen to have a smaller mouth https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fac1c361f7a.jpg **【手工的堅持】** Stick to hand-made 當機器越強大,取代人類的機會就會更大,我們只是不想被機器取代,所以到現在還是傻傻的堅持手工製造,由於手工竹牙刷是天然竹子與手工製作設計,每一支竹柄的大小,厚薄度,顏色,都會有一點差異,無法一模一樣。 不求機器的速度,只求手感的溫度。 https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fac42150de7.jpg 【高溫沸騰水煮殺菌】 High-temperature sterilization 費工的沸騰高溫水煮,更能將肉眼看不到的雜質與壞菌,有效消除降至最低。 https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fac4971d558.png 【DYLON 高溫殺菌安全水染色】 Sterilized Safe Water Dyeing. 正常使用 不掉色 Under normal usage, it is colorfast . 符合英國健康安全局規範 符合歐盟共同健康安全規範 In line with the British Health and Safety Bureau norms. In line with the EU common health and safety regulations. https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fac51cc9fd0.png 【EPnS 水性自然塗裝 不發霉 不怕水】 water-based natural coating; mildewproof and waterproof. 符合SGS兒童安全玩具標準 美國FDA食用器具檢驗標準 In line with SGS children's toys safety standards. In line with US FDA inspection of food utensils standards. 牙刷是放在浴室潮濕之處,天然的竹子會發霉很正常,但也因為容易發霉,常常讓用竹牙刷的人傷腦筋,深怕刷牙還要外帶吃黴菌,為了讓竹牙刷能夠保留天然特性,能夠不怕水,不發霉,我們一樣找尋很久,實驗多次,終於決定不惜成本與人力,使用最環保通過層層認證的自然塗裝,手工上裝,幾經測試,確實不怕水,不發霉,讓大家可以為友善環境之餘,再也不用怕竹牙刷會發霉的顧慮。 The bathroom is the damp place where the bamboo is easy to become molded. The essence of bamboo belongs to the straight fiber that often be cut and grinded to meet an excellent feeling of grip, therefore the fibers will get thick and rough after contacting the water, which will hurt the mouth and the hand and become hard to grip. This bamboo toothbrush adopts the natural vinegar paint complying with the food safety grade that is mould proof and water repellent effectively. https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fac59089a57.png 【三層塗裝 再 三次細磨】 Three-layer coating and triple grinding 厚工厚工再厚工,塗裝上去會產生竹纖維站立,所以會變得粗粗,就必須一道道的塗抹,一道道的細磨,反覆三次才能使牙刷拿起來不傷手,刷起來不傷嘴。 Coating is applied one layer at a time, the same for grinding. This procedure creates a toothbrush which does not hurt either your hands, when you pick it up, nor your teeth when you brush them. https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fac653cbfa0.jpg 【傳統的堅持 手工鑽孔 植毛】 https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fac6d46b5ce.jpg 【獨家專利 隱藏版】 https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fac71d10251.jpg 【全家人不怕再拿錯牙刷了】 No more worries to take the wrong toothbrush 一般市面上銷售的竹牙刷,因為顏色形狀都一樣,時常讓全家人都會拿錯牙刷,還要特別做記號,而你是否也厭倦了一成不變的竹牙刷了呢? 我們精心設計討喜又美觀,許多顏色讓你挑選,再也不怕與家人拿錯牙刷了。 We carefully design beautiful toothbrushes. There are many colors to choose from, so that you will not confuse your toothbrush with those of other people. https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fac9c6c2a23.jpg 【牙刷使用時間 建議】: Toothbrush usage time 手工竹牙刷建議25天更換一次,兒童手工竹牙刷建議20天更換一次,除了白馬刷毛使用期限差不多,更是基於個人口腔衛生,更換的速度越快,其實越衛生,即便是一般的牙刷,專家建議也不要太久才進行汰換。 It is preferable to change your bamboo toothbrush once every 25 days for adults and once every 20 days for children. This is due to the fact that the bristles are natural but also to personal hygiene issues. The more often you change your toothbrush, the better it is. Even in the case of normal toothbrushes, specialists always advise not to use them for too long. https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59faca5e59dba.jpg 【每一支牙刷都有專屬包裝盒】 Each toothbrush has an exclusive package https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59fadbcca9922.jpg 【矯正牙齒專用】 矯正牙齒專用 天然手工 竹牙刷,符合矯正牙套形狀,【外長內短ㄩ型馬毛】。 Long bristles on the outside and short on the inside are good to clean teeth of people who are adjusting their teeth. https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59facb23877cc.jpg https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59facbd695dea.jpg 【夢幻雙色版】 https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59facc42489e9.jpg 【軟硬適中白馬毛】 The bristles are neither too hard nor too soft 習慣刷毛軟硬度剛剛好的朋友最適合, 一共12種顏色。 適用年齡:10 歲以上 Good for people who do not like bristles which are too soft or too rigid Twelve colors in total Suitable age: 10 years old and above https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59faccd53d54b.jpg 【小叮嚀】: Reminder 刷牙請勿太力力,正常力道最剛好,避免傷害琺瑯質與牙質。由於白馬毛屬於可分解毛質,並非一般塑膠尼龍或再生尼龍,故會有刷牙時小掉毛情形與小開花,屬於正常現象,建議刷完牙後用手將刷毛順毛小整理,能延長刷毛使用時間。 When you brush your teeth, do not exert too much pressure, to prevent from damaging enamel and dentine. The bristles that we use are made of decomposable hair, and unlike plastic or nylon, it is normal if you see small flakes or hair falling off. It is recommended to adjust the bristles with your hand once you are done brushing your teeth to help the toothbrush last longer. 【柔軟白馬毛 兒童蔬菜造型】 Soft Bristles, Vegetable-shaped for Children 胡蘿蔔,紫茄子,紅辣椒 俏皮顏色造型 Carrots, purple eggplants, red peppers, and other colorful shapes 適用年齡:4〜10 歲兒童 Designed with soft bristles specifically for children who are growing their teeth These toothbrushes are also good for girls who happen to have a smaller mouth Suitable for children from 4 to 10 years old https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59facd630b15e.jpg 【加強潔齒】強硬白馬毛 Strengthened toothbrush with rigid bristles. 有抽菸 喝咖啡 喝茶的朋友最適合加強潔齒 適用年齡:18 歲以上 Good for people who smoke, drink coffee, or tea Suitable for adults above 18 years https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59facdc6017b9.jpg 【以上商品 不包含照片內的玻璃杯】 【照片顏色或有色差當以實品為主】 【Olife原生活 設計聯名款】 婚禮小物、企業贈品 https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59face09a36b5.jpg https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59facf71e5f6a.jpg https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59faceaf56f93.jpg https://static.flyingv.asia/static/800x/projects/16273/article/59facf95d7503.jpg 【三公分哲學】 很多人都不知道,竹子的成長速度很快,但是它前三,四年可能長不到三公分,因為它在紮根,而竹子的根可以擴及到周圍二,三公尺.....到了第四年之後,竹子便會以一天一公尺的速度衝刺成長,只需要約十幾天就可以長到十幾公尺高,這跟做人做事一樣的道理, 所以【你能不能衝過 這三公分才是關鍵】。 Why choose bamboo to make glasses? Because of the philosophy of 3 cm Many people don't know that bamboo grows fast, but it may grow less than 3 cm in length in the first three or four years, because it needs rooting at first. The root can be spread to surrounding environment for two or three meters. In and after the fourth year, the bamboo will grow quickly at the speed of one meter each day. In only about 10 days, it grows to mor


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Olife原生活 天然手工竹牙刷【適中軟度白馬毛 漸層深藍】


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